Kim’s expertise is gleaned from years of working with patients and families in hospital and community settings, enabling her to write clear, clinically accurate content for your reader
Tips for Navigating Grief After the Loss of an Adult Child
This mother shares ways she found help on her grief journey following the death of her 36-year-old daughter.
Cold Weather Safety Tips for Older Adults-What to be Aware of
Winter may be a challenging season for your safety and security, especially in the northern regions of the United States. Older adults have an increased risk to their safety as temperatures fall throughout the country this winter.
Cardiac Arrhythmias in Older Adults-Types and Treatment
Retirement is a significant life transition and can be a reason to celebrate. However, it can also be a chapter of extreme loss of community and identity.
Can Retirement Affect Your Mental Health?
Retirement is a significant life transition and can be a reason to celebrate. However, it can also be a chapter of extreme loss of community and identity.
Can High Stress Levels Increase Cognitive Decline in Older Adults
When we have stress at home or work, it can be mentally and physically challenging. When stress occurs over a short period but then resolves, there is time for our body to recover. However, our body does not have a chance to recover when stress is ongoing. So, what are the long-term effects when high stress is chronic?
Anxiety and Depression in Parkinson's Disease
There are currently 55 million people worldwide with a diagnosis of dementia. There are several risk factors for dementia, including increased alcohol consumption. However, prolonged excessive alcohol intake is a direct cause of Alcohol-Related Dementia (ARD).
Alcohol Related Dementia-Can Alcohol Damage Your Brain?
There are currently 55 million people worldwide with a diagnosis of dementia. There are several risk factors for dementia, including increased alcohol consumption. However, prolonged excessive alcohol intake is a direct cause of Alcohol-Related Dementia (ARD).
Aging in Place-What is it and How 'Does It Affect Your Loved One?
A national poll revealed that approximately 90 percent of Americans over age 50 want to stay in their homes as they grow older. To stay in your own home as you age is called "aging in place."
Aging Gracefully-The Science Behind It
Though aging is something we all have to deal with, do we ever consider how well we will age?
Aging Athletes-Maintainin Performance and Health
Baby Boomers, likely the first generation raised with a focus on the significance of exercise, have led to a surge of adults over 60 more active than previous generations. However, as we age, more activity can increase the risk of injury.
A Senior's Guide to Navigating Seasonal Solitude
While the anticipation of the holiday season can be a joyous one for some older adults, others may experience a feeling of dread. This can be one of the loneliest times of the year for those who have family who live far away or who have no family at all. Family estrangement or deaths in the family or social circle can have an impact on someone’s mental and emotional health and well-being.
5 Science-Proven Benefits of Blueberries
Blueberries are a popular snack. Long considered a so-called super fruit, they look amazing with their plump appearance and blue hues. Did you know that, beyond tasting great, blueberries have several science-proven benefits?
9 Aging Indicators-What to Be Aware of and Expect
Several physical indicators tell us that we are getting older. However, our overall state of health sometimes determines the rate at which aging progresses. So, what are some physical indicators of aging?
7 Wellness Mistakes You Didn't Realize You Were Making
Most days, we go about our routines without giving them much thought, but did you know that some habits could damage our health?
A Parent's Journey: Supporting an Adult Child Battling Cancer
While the road is long, and the future may be somewhat uncertain, we remain hopeful and cherish each day, each hour and each moment we have together as a family.